Practice Areas
This law office is committed to providing quality legal services at an affordable price. As a law office serving a rural community, this law office is engaged in the general practice of law – which includes the following practice areas:
- Religious Liberty / Free Speech
- Family Law & Divorce
- Pre-Nuptials & Post-Nuptials, Marital Property Agreements
- Divorces
- Elder Law Issues: Medicaid/Medicare, Nursing Home Rights, Powers of Attorney
- Adult Guardian ad Litem
- Juvenile Guardian ad Litem
- Estate Planning & Probate
- Personal Service / Lifetime Care Contracts
- Transfer on Death Deeds (TOD)
- Payment on Death Deeds (POD)
- Wills
- Trusts
- Real Estate
- Real Estate Transactions
- Environmental Law
- Business Law
- Business Organization
- Traffic & Criminal Defense
- Drunk Driving: OMVWI / DUI
- Domestic Crimes
- Juvenile Crimes
- Trial Practice
This law office vigorously defends its clients. To that end, the law office is not afraid to try a case in court – when the client makes an informed decision that a trial is in his or her best interest.